1224.2km in 71:40, (58*31'39N, 15*27'07"E)
Tonight I had a big storm. First a very heavy rain woke me up twice (I do not know what my tent did to stay dry) and later the wind came with full power (my herrings make an excellent job). The rest of the day was a powerful mix between rain, sun and rainbows (unfortunately no sunbows). And to make it easy, I decided to go east, direction in which the wind was blowing.
It was very hard to start because my tent was really wet. So I decided to make a strong porridge with a banana, cocos milk, maple syrup, sugar, water and of course haverflocks (the wind is a big cooling factor, so I needed anyway lots of calories). During this time, the sun rised over the clouds and made his job: drying the tent!
Café Tutingen
I drove then in direction of Askersund, a little town specialized in chocolate! If you have seen the movie "chocolat" with Jonny Depp you can easily imagine how the town looks like. If not, I took some pictures of the Café Tutingen, place where a drunk a hot chocolate:
Well, sometimes I visit some places without having idea of what it is: Stjernsunds slott. I could easily understand that it is a castle, but I do not know whom it belongs (my Swedish is quiet bad) and why it has been built in 1798. It doesn't matter because sometime I just need to switch of my brain (I use it 150% when I'm on the road) and leave my eyes and ears enjoying the world.
There are 3 more things I would like to tell or show you: the first one is a picture of a boat passing over a road (nice shooting):
The second one is a picture of birds waiting on a phone line (I always remember the short movie of Pixar, the one with the birds on a phone line):
And finally on the way looking for a nice place near a sea, the rain surprised me one more time: completely wet I decided to go swimming (I found a nice municipal bath). When I was in the water, a boat came with the guardian of the place. After a short talk, he offered me to stay the night in the men cabin: so I am now in a 5 star tent (4 walls and a roof).
Numa!!! Wenn Du schon in der Nähe bist musst du unbedingt Norköping sehen. Es war die Zweitgrösste ökonomische Stadt, bekannt für die Textilindustrie. Aber anstatt sie zu demolieren, haben sie sie nur saniert. Wenn die Sonne scheint ist sie ein Denkmal mit Leben und Seele.
Wie fühlt sich die Gemalin Sylvia Bernadotte mit Ihrem Sportlehrer? Wir, die Franzosen, sind doch sooo stolz dem Schwedischen Königreich eine Adelsfamilie erfundebn und geschenkt zu haben.